My grading scale

It is subjective, but I think you'll be able to understand where I'm coming from:

1-3 "Horrible" : NEVER BUY THIS!!!! (Or buy it just to see what crappy beer tastes like.)

4-5 "Ok" : These beers need a little work. Usually from a company known for another type of brew.

6-7 "Good": It's ok, for now.

8-9 "Great" : Try this at least once, you'll be happy you did :D

10!!!!! "Godly" = This is attainable, but the most subjective of all grades. If I ever give a beer a 10 it'll be because it blows your mind.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is the most expensive beer I've bought.  "1,000 years of brewing expertise.  A collaboration between the brewers of Samuel Adams and Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan." 

Look/Smell/Pour - The head is light, like a super light meringue.  Color is straw, but golden and orange.  Great German beer smell, malt is sweet, crystal clear.  Hops are a little pine and a little citrus, very balanced.  The rest is filled with nectarine peach smells.

Taste - I let it settle, I let it get it's bearing.  I wanted to make sure it new I was ready to taste it.  Strong and creamy.  Up front is hops which are sharp, the malt is creamy.  The after taste is a mix between the two.  They are strong enough to leave peach/nectarine taste in the dust, although thankfully it's still there.  This beer's alcohol content isn't apparent in the first few tastes but rears it's head later.

Rating - 8
This beer is a once in a lifetime beer.  Does that make it better?  Not in itself.  It's been hard for me to not give a rating based on price.  This beer will impress anyone, but I don't think it's the best in class.  What class do you say?  Above average alcohol German style beer.