My grading scale

It is subjective, but I think you'll be able to understand where I'm coming from:

1-3 "Horrible" : NEVER BUY THIS!!!! (Or buy it just to see what crappy beer tastes like.)

4-5 "Ok" : These beers need a little work. Usually from a company known for another type of brew.

6-7 "Good": It's ok, for now.

8-9 "Great" : Try this at least once, you'll be happy you did :D

10!!!!! "Godly" = This is attainable, but the most subjective of all grades. If I ever give a beer a 10 it'll be because it blows your mind.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rogue Half-E-Weizen

I can never pass up a hefeweizen, especially one from rogue that has a grandmother on the front.  The have an ingredients list on the side, as well as food parings (fish and spice) and all of it's technical beer specs (spcfc gravity, IBU, etc..)

Head, Smell, Look - Pours a delicious bronze orange, cloudy since it's unfiltered, light, weak head but not in a horrible way.  Orange and hops come to the frond, the orange being familiar but hops very interesting.

Taste - This is unique.  The hops come up front and the aftertaste is wheat and orange.  Spice is slight throughout.  This is the first hefe I've had were hops were this prominent.

Rating - 7
This one is very good, especially for being so bold.  It's not the delicate, sweet hefe you're used to.  Good job Rogue.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis

"Kellerweis is one of the only American Hefeweizens made using the traditional Bavarian style of open fermentation. This difficult and labor-intensive technique adds uncommon depth and flavor complexity. Our hazy-golden hefeweizen is deeply flavorful, refreshing and perfect for a sunny day. To serve, pour two-thirds into a glass, swirl and pour the rest."

Nose, Head, Look - Epic wheat smell w/ strong clove smell.  Less orange than others but not a problem.  Fluffy head, lingers, strong.  Unfiltered makes me happy, and makes the beer that much more enjoyable.

Taste - Follows the head with its epic and very smart wheat, this s where the wheat taste should be.  Even less orange (I like orange) but no problem mostly because the clove is very nice.  Hops are the framework that allows the sweet wheat to be.

Rating =8
This is the wheat beer others should envoy.  My personal want is for more orange or lemon, but ultimately its strong wheat flavor makes your heart melt.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Agave Wheat Ale by Breckenridge Brewery

Breckenridge Brewery has been known to produce fine beer and this unique and unfiltered wheat beer continues to follow suit. The label pretty much advises you what to expect when drinking. Price is 7-8 bucks/ six-pack

Head- 1/2 in. quick-rising head of large white bubbles died very quickly. No lacing. Mild carbonation after settling.

Color- Hazy golden in color with no obvious sediment like some unfiltered products.

Nose- Crisp, wheaty with a slight note of honey.

Taste- Delicious. Wheat was very apparent and reminded me of the fresh and pure taste of a homebrewed hefeweizen. The honey smell was replaced with the agave extract as the label suggests. Very easy to drink; this is one of those beers worth introducing to our Miller and Bud folks to get them straightened out and on the path to rightousness.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Salvator Double Bock from Paulaner

What would you come to expect from a well respected German double bock? Certainly not disappointment!

Head- Quick rising, white, 1 in. dies quickly with little to no lacing on glass.

Color- Amber with a slight haziness. no sedimentation.

Nose- Heavy malt with hints of molasses and apple pie. almost sweet with little if any trace of hoppiness.

Taste- I noted a metallic taste immediately upon pouring and swilling but it all but dissappeared after allowing it to breathe for a few minutes. s-m-o-o-t-h and THICK mouth feel with a heaviness noted even upon pouring. Instant maltiness and hints of apple spice and chickory. Almost the density of a cider though this is no surprise for an ale of this variety.

I want to get on a plane to Germany...7

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rio Blanco Pale Ale by the Real Ale Brewing Company

A not-so-pale pale ale from RABC. Again this, like the Brewhouse Brown is part of a sampler 6-pack for under 7 bucks!

Poured a prominent white 1in. head that settled moderately, leaving a nice lacing on the glass. Carbonation was immediate, yet not overwhelming.

Color was golden, almost amber with good clarity.

Smell was first that of malt with an immediate hops tones following.

Taste was a decent balance of hops to malt without the expected bitterness from the Hoppy nose that I noted above.

Balanced. Light, easy to drink. Good.


Brewhouse Brown Ale by the Real Ale Brewing Company

Another local product of the Real Ale Brewing Company. This particular brew comes in sampler 6-packs for under 7 bucks!

Tasting notes:

Perhaps overchilled, the beer poured into the glass with little to no head or carbonation.

Color was brown as title would suggest.

Smell was malty with a nutty undertone; faint aromatics overall, most likely as a result of overchilling/ sans carbonation factor.

Tasted of toasty malt, caramel and smoothly finished out with just a hint of hops. Reminds me a little of Newcastle but with a prominent hops finish.

OK overall. I'll try the beer again but less chilled to see if that effects the head/carbonation which it suspect it will. I expect to enjoy this alot more when served under ideal conditions.

5 (for now)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Full Moon Pale Rye Ale from the Real Ale Brewing Company

Poured a creamy, white 1in. head which died down momentarily.

Carbonation was perfect; not too overwhelming yet not flat.

Upon smelling, hoppy, fruity scents were noted. Second whiff revealed hints of orange rind.

Taste was that of scent plus carmelized malt and light rye.