My grading scale

It is subjective, but I think you'll be able to understand where I'm coming from:

1-3 "Horrible" : NEVER BUY THIS!!!! (Or buy it just to see what crappy beer tastes like.)

4-5 "Ok" : These beers need a little work. Usually from a company known for another type of brew.

6-7 "Good": It's ok, for now.

8-9 "Great" : Try this at least once, you'll be happy you did :D

10!!!!! "Godly" = This is attainable, but the most subjective of all grades. If I ever give a beer a 10 it'll be because it blows your mind.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is the most expensive beer I've bought.  "1,000 years of brewing expertise.  A collaboration between the brewers of Samuel Adams and Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan." 

Look/Smell/Pour - The head is light, like a super light meringue.  Color is straw, but golden and orange.  Great German beer smell, malt is sweet, crystal clear.  Hops are a little pine and a little citrus, very balanced.  The rest is filled with nectarine peach smells.

Taste - I let it settle, I let it get it's bearing.  I wanted to make sure it new I was ready to taste it.  Strong and creamy.  Up front is hops which are sharp, the malt is creamy.  The after taste is a mix between the two.  They are strong enough to leave peach/nectarine taste in the dust, although thankfully it's still there.  This beer's alcohol content isn't apparent in the first few tastes but rears it's head later.

Rating - 8
This beer is a once in a lifetime beer.  Does that make it better?  Not in itself.  It's been hard for me to not give a rating based on price.  This beer will impress anyone, but I don't think it's the best in class.  What class do you say?  Above average alcohol German style beer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Left Hand Brewery Twin Sisters Double IPA

Left hand impresses me with there unique ideas in marketing and in beers.  The bottle is beautiful, and it's from a beautiful state, Colorado.

Look/Pour/Smell - Hops all over, but the hops are sweet not pine-cone-E.  Orange yellow, but very clear.  Head is monstrous and fluffy, long lasting also.

Taste - It's sweet and spicy at the same time.  Not spicy like hot sauce, spicy like titillating on the tongue.  The bitterness is found all throughout, especially after the initial taste.  The beginning is where the sweetness lies.

Rating - 7
This is a good IPA, but I don't know if it's worthy of a larger bottle in the specials section.  I think it belongs in a four pack.  With all this it's still a good time.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Boulder Beer Co Never Summer Ale

Winter ales, must be coming to that season of warm, hearty brews.  I bought this two round out my other buys of the last winter seasonal beers.

Look/Pour/Smell - Hops galore, and a beautiful amber brown/red.  Sticky, easy, fluffy head.  The hops have a fruity smell, maybe lemon and orange.

Taste - The hops fade a bit to the silky malt.  The hops are upfront, the bouncer and the malt is the slick d.j. running the party.  It's really a two man show.  It does impress in the look category.

Rating - 6
There are other winter's that will impress more than this one.  This is a middle of the pack.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shiner Hefeweizen

I must have been on a shiner kick, but I can't pass up a hefe.

Look/Pour/Smell - Amber-wood orange, awesome orange and citrus, light warm sweet malty smell.  Almost explosive pour, but not too hard to control

Taste - This one is more than I expected.  I can't say I expect so much from American Hefe's, but now I'm impressed.  It's malt is creamy like a cream stout, but light like your normal hefe.  Slight orange, more spice are there, but they play pawn to the awesome malt and light hops.

Rating - 9
Again, I'm partial to hefes, but here we are.  This beer will fit in with even the best rated hefes from anywhere in the world.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shiner Holiday Cheer Dunkelweizen

I'm always interested in the seasonal offerings from great craft brewers, and a Dunkel brewed with peaches and pecans seems completely unique.

Smell/Look/Pour - Light pour with an easy, manageable head.  Warm malt, slight peach in the smell.  Awesome woody red look.

Taste - Wow, holy peaches.  Not expected especially from the smell, while the pecans are sitting in the background.  The warm malt is delicious, like a sweet bread.  The hops are great, the minor note in a big band.

Rating -7
I've had some really amazing dunkels, and so this one is up there in the uniqueness scale.  It's amazing in it's own way.  Take this to the bank and have fun.  Easy drinking dunkel.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Weltenburger Kloster Barock Dunkel

Old world dunkel from Germany, and the year on the bottle is 1030.  It is also very proud of it's 2008 World Beer Cup.

Look/Pour/Smell - Smells of the German Beer Law, but warmer like an abbey.  Red brown look, with a light head.

Taste - the hoppiness of German beers is the sheet, while the warmth of malt is the comforter.  It is the balance that's delightful, not any one flavor.  I'd say the one flavor that is there is an apple, like warm apple pie.

Rating - 8
This unfortunately straddles the fence, but is worthy of a great grade.

Harviestoun Ola Dubh

This one looked special.  Aged in whiskey barrels from their 12 year whiskeys.  I wanted the darkest one they had and this looked good.

Look/Pour/Smell - Deep, charcoal, coffee, light chocolate.  Super dark.

Taste - How espresso is to coffee.  This is dark and deep, light chocolate, lots of coffee.  This would go good w/ a cigar.

Rating - 10
It's the deepest, darkest beer I've ever had.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rogue Chocolate Stout

This is what I needed to finish my weekend.  After attending Oktoberfest I wanted something substantial.

Smell/Look/Pour - Great brown head that stays.   Smells of coffee and chocolate, so the chocolate is nicely balanced.  Dark, all you have to say about it.

Taste - The chocolate is more a dark chocolate than some others I've had.  Coffee flavor is mellow, behind the delicious, sophisticated chocolate.  It's hard to overstate the awesome chocolate taste.

Rating - 9
It's hard to find a balanced stout.  There's so many things that can go wrong.  This one won't disappoint, and I think this would even be a good starter stout.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

HI.P.A. from Magic Hat

Been awhile but this one is special.  Magic Hat says this is a limited edition IPA that they're demoing as a creative outlet for themselves. 

Look, Pour, Smell - Hazy orange, persistent but short head;  hops own the smell.

Taste - Unique hop flavor...the hops are first and and malt second which is super unique.  It's nice that the bitter hops fade for a sweet, buttery malt.

Rating - 8
This one is unique, and you won't be disappointed...if you can find it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sierra Nevada Sierra 30th Anniversary Imperial Helles Bock

Man am I excited...this is a one timer and I hope it's amazing.

Look/Pour/Taste - Warm orange/yellow...strong head lasting at least a minute...light smell...malty

Taste - Outstanding hops, the malt is nice but the hops take the cake...after one drink I'm hooked....the taste is could drown if you're not careful

Rating - 10

This beer body slams all other contenders.

Real Ale Brewing Company Brewhouse Brown Ale

Last one from my friends stash....Brown Ale

Look/Pour/Smell - Warm malt, very brown, not too dark....easy pour not too much head.

Taste - Warm malt...hops under the malt, the malt is cooked just right.

Rating -7
This one is a brown that everyone can enjoy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Real Ale Rio Blanco Pale Ale

Again a Real Ale Brewing Company brew from my friend....pale ale to pair with some fish and green beans.

Smell/Look/Pour - Straw yellow/orange....smells like a lightly crisp hop, not overbearing...easy to pour

Taste - Malt is up front, but hops are much more tasty throughout...not too hoppy so a good choice for beginners.

Rating - 7
Great beginner beer, a little plain but it's ok that way.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest

Fresh Hop Ale...that's the gist.  I'm celebrating the International Beer Drinking Day w/ this one.  I do have another 30th Anniversary from them but I want to wait on that one.  It says on the bottle the hops are from New Zealand, picked fresh in season, then brewed here.  FTW "Zealand" was not in my Firefox's dictionary...interesting.

Look/Pour/Smell - Amber!  I like it.  Strong head, lasting awhile but the bubbles seem light.  HOPS!!!  HOLY HOPS!!!  The second one I said for my own amusement.  Everything you'd ever think about hops is all packed into this one.

Taste - I waited about 5 min for the head to settle. I assumed and you know what that does.  I was ready for a strong punch in the face from hops, but surprised to find a hop profile that only by a few inches exceeded the malt.  The hops compliment the sweet malt.  The sweetness is fleeting at the beginning, with the strong, gentle hops stepping in quickly.  It rolls down easily.

Rating - 10
This one takes the cake mostly because it's in a class of its own.  Is it an IPA?  Well they didn't call it that (although I'd suspect it is), or is it a traditional Ale w/ extra hops?  Since it is class defiant it deserves a rating fit for a king.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Real Ale Brewing Company Devil's Backbone Belgian Style Tripel

Another from Real Ale that my best bud brought me from TX.  I'm always down to drink a tasty Belgian Trippel, or any double, or any type for that matter.

Look/Smell/Taste - Honey malt, spiced w/ coriander and maybe cinamon; smells almost like a highly spiced wheat beer.  Unfiltered, a good amount of sediment.  Light sunny yellow w/ a lasting, frothy head.

Taste - Honey malt again, with the spices even more prominent on the aftertaste.  So are the hops, who come in around the end.  It's nicely carbonated which helps to alleviate the weight of the beer.

Rating - 10!!!!

It might seem like a stretch to give a Belgian Trippel from Blanco, TX a 9, but that's exactly why I'm giving it a 9.  It's perfect, and if you blindfolded a monk from Belgium I bet he couldn't tell this was brewed in Blanco, TX.  Cheers to Real Ale, try them out for sure.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Warfteiner German Ale

So a German Military deployed to our base, and they brought us some beer from Germany for the work we helped them with.  I'm super excited that I get to drink this.

Smell, Look, Pour - Easy pour, light orange, more straw yellow...light crisp hops, light citrus and's like an American pilsner but with more flavor.

Taste - The hops are there and help to keep the warm sweet malt at bay.  This one can be drunk in droves, it's an easy drink and I can see why the Germans are known for drinking...they have delicious beer.

Rating - 9
This is what all beer should shoot for: drink-ability, taste, deliciousness

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Full Moon Pale Rye Ale

These beer is from Blanco, TX.  It was a gift from a great friend visiting PCB.  He is really into wine and I love beer, and so we trade our special finds when we can. 
Here's the quote from the back of the bottle;
"The Texas Hill Country is home to Real Ale Brewing Company, where a dedicated team of brewers produce quality handcrafted ales.  We incorporate the finest malted grain, domestic and imported hops, and crystal clear water into our unique, all-natural recipes.  For optimum flavor, our beers are unpasteurized and unfiltered - so remember to keep'em cold and drink'em soon!  Cheers!"

Look, Pour, Smell - Carbonation is evident, clear despite being unfilitered.  Orange, then yellow.  The rye is evident in the smell.  Strong and sweet smell.

Taste - The smell tended towards a strong alcoholic taste, but it is not evident in the taste.  The rye is very evident, which seems to lack in other rye ales.  Maybe a little citrus, but it's very understated.  It's an easy beer to drink, it's try is very full, but other than that this is a simple beer.

Rating - 8
It's the best rye beer I've had so far.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Southern Tier Un*Earthly Imperial IPA

I needed to find a sharp tasting, and I saw this imperial IPA.  I'm a slight hippy, in an engineering program hoping to work for a company in a field that's earth friendly.  I do get excited about this stuff.

Look/Pour/Smell - HOPS!!! It's nice and heavy look as the bubbles sink.  The head is strong.  The smell is nice and sweet.

Taste - For how intimidating the hops smell, the malt is so strong, especially in this 11% alcohol, that they really balance themselves.  The hops are sweet, citrus, and pine which is the full combination.

Rating - 9
This is a really great IPA, and it's in a hotly fought genre of IPAs.  It will not let you down.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Magic Hat Blind Faith IPA

This was another grab while I was at my favorite store.  Hoping this is as impressive as the others from Magic Hat.  Picture to come when my phone cooperates.  Anyone notice it's in "das boot."

Look/Pour/Taste - Amber color, light carbonation from head, caramel smell like a warm toffee.

Taste - Crisp hops, like a cool forest.  Cool malt is in the background.  This is a true IPA.

Rating - 7
Although this one is a leader in what an IPA should taste like, I don't think it can hold it's own against other IPAs.  IPA is the fullest field, and it is a good IPA.  Make it like this every time and you'll have a great beer to follow.  It should be what all IPAs should strive to be.

Sweet Water Sch'Wheat

Love me a wheat beer, so I grabbed it for my beer tasting weekend.

Pour/Look/Smell - Orange then yellow, a nice change of pace.  The head is super foamy but light, so it lasts only for a minute maybe.  Sweet orange smell.

Taste - Wow, and I'll tell you why.  There is so much flavor.  The malt is sweet and upfront.  The citrus is smiling at you.  The hops are only there to make sure you don't go crazy.  This one is amazing.

Rating - 10
This is the best in it's category.  It's price is just right.  You can't beat it, but I dare you to try.

Magic Hat Odd Notion Series Summer '10

So this was a whim buy, I actually didn't even look at the name or anything, just the brand and I grabbed it.  Great luck, since this is a special brew and won't come around again.  Says it's brewed 3/4 ale w/ ginger.

Look/Pour/Smell - Yellow orange, hazy.  You can smell ginger no problem.  The pours easy, light carbonation.

Taste - The ginger is amazing.  The malt is browned, and so it helps to manage the strong ginger taste.  It's a really deep taste.  Honey and brown sugar are other thoughts that come to mind.

Rating - 8
It's so unique I can't help but give it a great rating.  It's only my fortune to buy this, so I hope you don't miss it.

Kingfisher Premium Beer

A friend brought this over and I have missed a lot of oppurtunities in the past few months to review beers so I thought I'd give this one a shot.  Brewed in India.

Look/Pour/Smell - Straw yellow, a little orange.  Carbonation is well mannered.  Sweet malt smell is the majority of the smell.

Taste - Hops are interesting...the malt is lightly caramelized, and the hops follow suit.  The hops are like the background noise to a smooth jazz radio station jockey.  Surprisingly pleasant.

Rating = 5
It's much better than some domestics, but it's nothing to tip your hat at.  If someone brings it over fine, drink it.  If you're at your favorite pub or beer/liquor store, pick something else.

Victory Whirlwind Witbier

I was introduced to Victory about 2 months ago.  I tried their V-12 which is their high alcohol, high flavor, quadruppel.  Now I'm hooked to their beers.  Wanted something light and this was it.

Look/Pour/Smell - Yellow lemon look, carbonation is their but it's an easy pour.  Malt and lemon dominate.  Unfiltered so there's sediment.

Taste - Lemon and spice, light flavor, lemon after taste.  Malt is subdued.  Refreshing.

Rating - 7
This one gets a 7 because of the price range it's in.  It dominates the other beers in this range and category.  It's not the best wheat I've had overall, but it's great for a starter.  Let your friends try it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wychcraft Blonde Beer

I wanted something from England and this was fortunately on sale and still inside its "freshness" date.  I'm thinking this will be a great starter to the night.

Pour/Look/Smell - High internal carbonation, and if you pour slow it's easy to control the head.  Clear straw, leaning towards orange.  Malt of course, nice and sweet.

Taste - Light and crisp, like a German style beer under their purity law.  This is actually a disappointment, I was expecting a fuller taste.  Although it is good it's not great.

Rating =5
It was a little disappointing.  It's smell is nice, look is fine, but maybe this is more of a pub beer than a "let's try something spectacular" beer.  Try another blonde unless your watching some football (aka soccer to Americans).

Sierra Nevada Sierra 30th Anniversary

Alright, I couldn't pass this up.  Sierra Nevada, a well known to-do craft brewery, and they have been around for 30 years.  This is an accomplishment for any company, let alone one who represents less than 1% of the market share (Hypothesis).  This is my 3rd beer, I went from a good hefe, to an IPA, and I wanted to finish strong with a stout.  So not only does it peak my interest, but completes my beer path.

Taste/Pour/Smell - Nice and heavy, bubbles drop down, medium carbonation = an easy, slow style pour.  Can't wait to smell it.  Coffee first, chocolate maybe which I hope comes out in the taste.  Coffee is definitely the #1 smell though.

Taste - For the record, the head lasted ~10 min, and I do write for my friends wine blog, and so I like the "resting" of the beer to allow it to have time to mingle with the air.  Roasted is the first word comes to mind, really roasted but roasted well.  The last after taste is chocolate which comes really late which is nice.  It's a really deep taste.  I feel sorry for the connoisseur who doesn't have the chance to partake.

Rating - 10
It was a quick decision to chose a 10.  It's the leader in the stout category.  It is the holy grail that all other stouts should try to achieve.  This might be the first 10 I've given, but it's truly deserving.

Hoppin' Frog Hoppin' To Heaven IPA

It's been awhile since I posted anything.  Been pretty busy with school and ALS.  Got this when I purchased 3 beers to try to bridge the gap between a wheat and a stout.  It's also a new beer for the store I like to go to, and I like that.  This beer is proud of their American ingredients and heritage.  Brewed in Ohio.

Look/Pour/Smell - Middle of the road carbonation, great amber/orange color, light frothy head.  The hops are there, but it's a little sweet. 

Taste -'s got a great crisp hop, the malt is sweet in the background.  It would be a great "after I just cut the yard" type beer.  It has a light after taste which makes it really refreshing. 

Rating - 8
This is the IPA everyone should overshoot, and most don't.  It will not disappoint.  I look forward to more offerings from this brewery.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sweetwater 420

They had a promotion for this where if you bought their product you would get two free pint glasses which is a good deal.  This is a semi-local beer brewed in Atlanta, GA.  This is their IPA version.

Pour, Look, Smell - Pours easy with medium head, clear golden yellow.  Good smell of hops, not overpowering.

Taste - Light to medium hops with medium body and malt.  The hops stand out in the aftertaste.

Rating - 5
This one is a par/sub-par IPA, there are better choices out there.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Flensburger Weizen

This was one I picked up while looking for a gift for a friend's 21st b-day.  I can't pass up a Weiz from anyone.

Look and Pour - Standard wheat with a light frothy but semi strong head, good smell w/ malt and small hops.

Taste - Great wheat taste wins over.  Hope are after.  This is a good warm day beer.

Rating - 6
Nothing against it, just a little boring in my mind.  It's also a classic, so don't pass iit up.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ommegang Hennepin

This is from Ommegang who I really enjoy.  I have never had a Saison but I bet it will be excellent.

Look, Pour, Smell - Frothy head, light yellow and orange, extra carbonated and extra hops, this one smells very crisp.

Taste - Crisp Belgian style, but with a wheat spice, probably all spice or maybe a little cinnamon.  This is a lighter beer which is nice, light mouth feel with a light residual hops taste.

Rating - 7
This being my first of this style is a really good step in the right direction. It tastes great, smells even better, and will probably impress your friends who don't really like "specialty" or "expensive" brews.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chimay Ale Grande Reserve

I hadn't been to a beer store in a while, so when I got there I wanted to splurge.  This is a Trappist style ale from Belgium.

Look & Smell - Warm nutty brown, rich vanilla head.  Belgian pine hops with warm rich malt smell.

Taste - I had it chilled pretty cool so I poured and then let it sit for ~5 min.  Warm, spiciness underneath.  Warms you up, great for a cool day (or any day for that matter)

Rating - 8
This one will blow you away with its fullness.  Be prepared it's strong, but it will make your day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Bernardus Abt 12

I wanted something that might be true to an earlier time, so I chose this ale to satisfy my historic needs.

Pour, Look, Smell - Dark brown, light head, carbonated well, sweet malt, will wet your pallet.

Taste - Awesome full hop and malt taste, spice like a wheat beer, easy to drink for how dark it looks.

Rating - 8

This is a beer everyone should try.  If it's truthful to it's roots, I almost wish I lived in the 12th century.

Allagash Tripel Reserve

Allagash has one of my favorite wheat beers, and so this one shouldn't disappoint.  It is special enough to Allagash to have the batch number on the bottle.                                                                                                      Look, Pour, Smell - Hazy wheat and golden, light but strong head, awesome spice and wheat smell.                                                                            Taste - Citrus, wheat, spice are all balanced, with an extra bit of citrus in the after taste.  Strong flavors.                                                                   Rating - 8                                                                                                          This one will impress you if you like wheat style beers.  This is also another great offering from the Maine based Allagash.

Dogfish Head 120 Min IPA

Preface:  This is a sipping beer, it is unique and shouldn't be taken lightly.  Very high alcohol content makes this beer potent, so be prepared.

Nose, Look, & Pour - Light sediment, super straw, full head w/ a medium strength, super hopped smell, malt smell is present in the background.

Taste - Sweet malt, hops are the big spoon in this relationship though, alcohol is present throughout, little carbonation probably because it's too heavy.

Rating - 9
This is such a unique experience you should try it just to do it, but don't underestimate this one, or it will knock your socks off.

Monday, March 15, 2010


This one from a brand  I hadn't considered recently because of it's seemingly narrow advertisement got me too interested to be overly critical.

Pour, Look, Taste - Dark blonde, the beer is thick, and the bubble drift down  due to the high gravity, strong head, hops abound in the smell

Taste - The hops are first, the thickness of the beer is now lastingly apparent.  The rye is undertone, with the hops taking over.  This beer will last me all night.

Rating - 8
This beer will knock your socks off, literally.

BROTHER THELONIOUS Belgian Style Abbey Ale

This Belgian caught my eye, and it was a good catch.  Every bottle sold has $2 of the purchase going to support the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz whose mission is to offer the world's most promising young musicians college level training by America's jazz masters.  If you see it, buy it and you won't be disappointed.

Pour, Look, and Smell - Dark brown, creamy head, browned malt smell, light hops.

Taste - Browned malt & creamy, long tasting, delicious.

Rating - 8
This one will knock your socks of it's so good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Georg Schneider's Wiesen Edel-Weisse

I was hankering for a German beer, and what better than a Wiesen from Bavaria.  Organic for those who look for it, it wasn't a buying point but it is a perk.  Bottle fermented like some of the best beers in the world, and fermented according to the Reinheitsgebot.

Look, Pour, & Smell - Light airy head, becoming homogeneous after about 30 seconds. dark straw color.  Hops are present, and that sums up the smell.  

Taste - Old school, hops and malt are balanced.  Light flavor, light carbonation.  This one will wet your whistle.

Rating - 7
For what it is it's very good.  Everyone will think your part German if you bring this over.

Terrapin Sunray Wheat Beer

I love wheat beers, and when I saw this one that was "locally" brewed I wanted to try.

Look, Pour, & Smell - Hazy, straw, light head.  Malt, citrus lemon, light hops.

Taste - Stronger citrus lemon, malt, less hops.

Rating - 7

I've noticed I'm more partial to wheat beers, but this one is very good.  This will get everyone in a good mood.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Samual Adams Nobel Pils

Wanted to have a Sam Adams beer since I hadn't in a while.

Nose, Look, & Pour - The head is frothy and light and lasted about 20 sec.  The hops are immediately apparent with citrus and pine.  Pale yellow to straw color.

Taste - Great hopped beer w/o the bitterness.  The hops almost have a lime citrus with the pine still around.  The malt only arrives in the aftertaste.

Rating - 8
This is a great beer from a semi-popular specialty brewing company.  Not everything they make is gold, but this one is.  Put it in the "I'm a great IPA" category.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

SweetWater Happy Ending

I picked this one up along w/ some wine because it was a seasonal from a brand that I hadn't had in a while.  At 9% alc. it's strong and shows of its merits w/ award winnings posted on the side of the bottle.

Pour, Smell & Look - Best part about this was the surprise.  Stout type pour, with a stronger lasting head than most.  Sweet malt and hops, which is easily identifiable as a darker beer w/ it's warm roast smell.

Taste - This is definitely on the easy side of stout-ville.  It still has a lot of sugars in it's malt, which is matched equally by the sweet, pine hops.  The brown roast flavor comes as the after taste, but it is noticeable with a toffee, then slight coffee.

Rating - 6
Even though I like this stout it isn't so traditional.  It's on the easy side of the street in a grouping that is full or hard and traditional flavors.  This one will be a good one to try, but try some others too :D

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rogue Half-E-Weizen

I can never pass up a hefeweizen, especially one from rogue that has a grandmother on the front.  The have an ingredients list on the side, as well as food parings (fish and spice) and all of it's technical beer specs (spcfc gravity, IBU, etc..)

Head, Smell, Look - Pours a delicious bronze orange, cloudy since it's unfiltered, light, weak head but not in a horrible way.  Orange and hops come to the frond, the orange being familiar but hops very interesting.

Taste - This is unique.  The hops come up front and the aftertaste is wheat and orange.  Spice is slight throughout.  This is the first hefe I've had were hops were this prominent.

Rating - 7
This one is very good, especially for being so bold.  It's not the delicate, sweet hefe you're used to.  Good job Rogue.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis

"Kellerweis is one of the only American Hefeweizens made using the traditional Bavarian style of open fermentation. This difficult and labor-intensive technique adds uncommon depth and flavor complexity. Our hazy-golden hefeweizen is deeply flavorful, refreshing and perfect for a sunny day. To serve, pour two-thirds into a glass, swirl and pour the rest."

Nose, Head, Look - Epic wheat smell w/ strong clove smell.  Less orange than others but not a problem.  Fluffy head, lingers, strong.  Unfiltered makes me happy, and makes the beer that much more enjoyable.

Taste - Follows the head with its epic and very smart wheat, this s where the wheat taste should be.  Even less orange (I like orange) but no problem mostly because the clove is very nice.  Hops are the framework that allows the sweet wheat to be.

Rating =8
This is the wheat beer others should envoy.  My personal want is for more orange or lemon, but ultimately its strong wheat flavor makes your heart melt.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Agave Wheat Ale by Breckenridge Brewery

Breckenridge Brewery has been known to produce fine beer and this unique and unfiltered wheat beer continues to follow suit. The label pretty much advises you what to expect when drinking. Price is 7-8 bucks/ six-pack

Head- 1/2 in. quick-rising head of large white bubbles died very quickly. No lacing. Mild carbonation after settling.

Color- Hazy golden in color with no obvious sediment like some unfiltered products.

Nose- Crisp, wheaty with a slight note of honey.

Taste- Delicious. Wheat was very apparent and reminded me of the fresh and pure taste of a homebrewed hefeweizen. The honey smell was replaced with the agave extract as the label suggests. Very easy to drink; this is one of those beers worth introducing to our Miller and Bud folks to get them straightened out and on the path to rightousness.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Salvator Double Bock from Paulaner

What would you come to expect from a well respected German double bock? Certainly not disappointment!

Head- Quick rising, white, 1 in. dies quickly with little to no lacing on glass.

Color- Amber with a slight haziness. no sedimentation.

Nose- Heavy malt with hints of molasses and apple pie. almost sweet with little if any trace of hoppiness.

Taste- I noted a metallic taste immediately upon pouring and swilling but it all but dissappeared after allowing it to breathe for a few minutes. s-m-o-o-t-h and THICK mouth feel with a heaviness noted even upon pouring. Instant maltiness and hints of apple spice and chickory. Almost the density of a cider though this is no surprise for an ale of this variety.

I want to get on a plane to Germany...7

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rio Blanco Pale Ale by the Real Ale Brewing Company

A not-so-pale pale ale from RABC. Again this, like the Brewhouse Brown is part of a sampler 6-pack for under 7 bucks!

Poured a prominent white 1in. head that settled moderately, leaving a nice lacing on the glass. Carbonation was immediate, yet not overwhelming.

Color was golden, almost amber with good clarity.

Smell was first that of malt with an immediate hops tones following.

Taste was a decent balance of hops to malt without the expected bitterness from the Hoppy nose that I noted above.

Balanced. Light, easy to drink. Good.


Brewhouse Brown Ale by the Real Ale Brewing Company

Another local product of the Real Ale Brewing Company. This particular brew comes in sampler 6-packs for under 7 bucks!

Tasting notes:

Perhaps overchilled, the beer poured into the glass with little to no head or carbonation.

Color was brown as title would suggest.

Smell was malty with a nutty undertone; faint aromatics overall, most likely as a result of overchilling/ sans carbonation factor.

Tasted of toasty malt, caramel and smoothly finished out with just a hint of hops. Reminds me a little of Newcastle but with a prominent hops finish.

OK overall. I'll try the beer again but less chilled to see if that effects the head/carbonation which it suspect it will. I expect to enjoy this alot more when served under ideal conditions.

5 (for now)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Full Moon Pale Rye Ale from the Real Ale Brewing Company

Poured a creamy, white 1in. head which died down momentarily.

Carbonation was perfect; not too overwhelming yet not flat.

Upon smelling, hoppy, fruity scents were noted. Second whiff revealed hints of orange rind.

Taste was that of scent plus carmelized malt and light rye.